Winding down the year, looking forward, one can not help but look back to measure noticeable growth and successes.
Next month I will be in a group show titled "Abandoned industry"
at the UMF art gallery. (More information to come)
Resilience: When people are resilient, they view themselves as survivors. They know that even when things are difficult, they can keep going until they make it through.
I have survived many experiences in my life that knocked me down hard. I got back up.
7 years ago, I moved to Maine with my son. I had visited Maine in 1998 camping along the coast. I felt I belonged here. I can not explain that, but I knew.
In 2013, 2 Mainers traveling through Seattle stayed at my permaculture education farm through a random connection. (That is a story all its own)
We discussed my interest in living in Maine and 2 years later, I sold the farm after a 6 year battle with a corporate financial institution and moved to Dixfield, later buying a house and living in East Dixfield, until I purchased the cannery in Wilton 2 1/2 years ago. (More details will be in my upcoming book)
It's always the story. I love the history and weaving of the pieces that make up the whole.
Today, with the help and hands of so many, I'm building something I've envisioned for over 25 years. It's fluid and ever-changing as life can be. Meaning that I learn as I go and pivot as needed.
Love heals. ❤️